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Jennifer Edwards

Profile photo for Jennifer Edwards

Dr Jennifer Edwards



Office Location

  • Tahlequah
    Woods House Woods House #1
    (918) 444-3529


Dr. Edwards has served as a faculty member at NSU since 2003. She earned a B.A. in Sociology from California State University, Stanislaus, a Master of Science in Criminology from Fresno State University, and a Ph.D. in sociology from Oklahoma State University.


  • PhD, Sociology, Oklahoma State University, 2004
  • MS, Criminology, California State University, Fresno, 1999
  • BA, Sociology, California State University, Stanislaus, 1993
Dr. Edwards' research focuses on intergroup conflict, social rituals and power, conflict resolution, and social inequality.
Dr. Edwards teaching interests include criminology, social psychology, sociology of religion, urban sociology, research methods, and intergroup conflict.

Intellectual Content:

  • Patterns of Social Relationships and Their Outcomes: The Case of Ireland (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, 2022
  • Adama Iwi (Other), Published,
  • Strategic Ritualization and Power: Nazi Germany, the Orange Order, and Native Americans (Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New), Discovery, Published, 2012
  • Exchange, Conflict, and Coercion: The Ritual Dynamics of the Notting Hill Carnival Past and Present (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, 2011
  • The Orange Order: Strategic Ritualization and Its Organizational Antecedents (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, 2007
  • Explanations of Crime on Campus Based on Theory (Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New), Discovery, Published, 2019
  • The Orange Order: Parades, Other Rituals, and Their Outcomes (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, 2010


  • Women of the Orange Order: From Tea Makers to Activists - Midwest Sociological Association Annual Meeting - Chicago, IL - 2019
  • Collective Memory, Identity, and Conflict: A Case Study of Northern Ireland Past and Present - Annual Meeting of the MSS - Chicago, IL - 2016
  • Challenging Inequality through Ritualized Enactments - Oklahoma Research Day - Tahlequah, OK - 2015
  • Networking for Political Voice Among Women in Disrupted Societies of the Middle East and Africa - Oklahoma Research Day - - March 2014
  • Carnival in Notting Hill: The Strategic Use of Ritual and Its Outcomes - Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association - New York, NY - 2013
  • The Notting Hill Carnival: Ritual Processes and Impact - Annual Meeting of the MSS - Chicago, IL - 2013
  • Peace and Reconciliation in Northern Ireland: Lessons Learned - John Hope Center for Reconciliation Symposium - Tulsa, OK - 2012
  • Rituals and Relationships: The Notting Hill Carnival Past and Present - Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association - Las Vegas, NV - 2011
  • Ritual and Structure: A Social Historical Investigation of the Notting Hill Carnival - Annual Meeting of the MSS - St. Louis, MO - 2008
  • Ritual and Exchange in London's West Indian Community - Annual Meeting of the OSA - Weatherford, OK - 2006

Courses Taught:

  • INTRO WOMEN'S & GENDER STUDIES - WGS 2123 - Fall 2020
  • CRIME THEORY - CR J 5033 - Fall 2020
  • PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR - SOC 4951 - Fall 2020
  • SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - SOC 4513 - Fall 2020
  • URBAN SOCIOLOGY - SOC 4423 - Fall 2020
  • INTRO WOMEN'S & GENDER STUDIES - WGS 2123 - Spring 2020
  • CRIME THEORY - CR J 5033 - Spring 2020
  • DIR READINGS IN CRIM JUSTICE - CR J 5133 - Spring 2020
  • SOCIOLOGY OF GENDER - SOC 4533 - Spring 2020
  • SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODS - SOC 4313 - Spring 2020
  • SPECIAL TOPICS SEMINAR - WGS 4003 - Spring 2020
  • INTRO WOMEN'S & GENDER STUDIES - WGS 2123 - Fall 2019
  • CRIME THEORY - CR J 5033 - Fall 2019
  • PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR - SOC 4951 - Fall 2019
  • URBAN SOCIOLOGY - SOC 4423 - Fall 2019
  • CRIMINOLOGY - CR J 4223 - Fall 2019
  • INTRO WOMEN'S & GENDER STUDIES - WGS 2123 - Spring 2019
  • CRIME THEORY - CR J 5033 - Spring 2019
  • PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR - SOC 4951 - Spring 2019
  • SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODS - SOC 4313 - Spring 2019
  • CRIMINOLOGY - CR J 4223 - Spring 2019
  • WORKSHOP - SOC 4003 - Fall 2018
  • PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR - SOC 4951 - Fall 2018
  • URBAN SOCIOLOGY - SOC 4423 - Fall 2018
  • CRIMINOLOGY - CR J 4223 - Fall 2018
  • WORKSHOP - SOC 4003 - Spring 2018
  • CRIMINOLOGY - CR J 4223 - Spring 2018
  • SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODS - SOC 4313 - Spring 2018
  • DIR READINGS IN CRIM JUSTICE - CR J 5133 - Spring 2018
  • CRIMINOLOGY - SOC 4223 - Spring 2014
  • CRIMINOLOGY - SOC 4223 - Summer 2013