MooSong Kim

Dr MooSong Kim
- Associate Professor
Health and Kinesiology
Office Location
- Tahlequah
RiverHawks Wellness Center 116
(918) 444-3217
Chair, The Department of Health and Kinesiology, 2018 - presentProgram Chair, Health and Sport Science Graduate Program, 2017 - present
Assistant Professor, Northeastern State University, 2016 - present
Graduate Assistant, Oregon State Univesity, 2012-2016
- PhD, Kinesiology, Oregon State University, 2016
- OtherMaster of Public Health, Health promotion and health behavior, Oregon State University, 2015
- MS, Physical Educaiton, Incheon National University, 2011
- BA, English Literature and Language, Incheon National University, 2009
- BA, Biotechnology, Yosu National University, 2003
Physical activity intervention
Physical activity promotion for children with disabilities
Physical activity policy and education
Physical activity adherence
Psychosocial Aspects of Fitness and Wellness
Health Behavior Theories
Intellectual Content:
- Physical Activity Facilitators, Barriers, and life challenges among Native American Freshmen. (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, May, 2022
- Application of Instructional Alignment to Promote Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity during Physical Education (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, May, 2019
- Differences in university students self-determined motivation at institutions with either a required or an elective physical activity education policy (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Integration, Published, May, 2019
- Psychological State and Behavioural Profiles of Freshman Enrolled in College and University Instructional Physical Activity Programmes under Different Policy Conditions (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Discovery, Published, September, 2019
- A review of how physical activity education policies in higher education affect college students physical activity behavior and motivation (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Integration, Published, December, 2016
- Enhancing student motivation in college and university physical activity courses using instructional alignment practices (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Teaching & Learning, In Preparation; Not Yet Submitted, November, 2015
- Why do university students enroll in physical activity education courses? Differential affects of required versus elective institutional policies (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Integration, Published, September, 2017
- If Exercise is Medicine, where is exercise in medicine? Review of U.S. medical education curricula for physical activity-related content (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Integration, Published, October (4th Quarter/Autumn), 2015
- Diversifying physical activity course curriculums to meet institutional expectations and satisfy student needs in higher education: An introductory framework (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Teaching & Learning, Published, November, 2015
- In search of kinesiology's core journals: An elusive and potentially value-laden enterprise (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Application, Published, August, 2014
- Children's Physical Activity Participation by Disability Existence, Gender, Age - North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium - Oregon State University - October 2018
- Cardiovascular Disease in Oklahoma: Scope and Impact - The Annual Oklahoma Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance convention - Edmond, OK - October 2019
- Children's Physical Activity Participation by Disability Existence, Gender, Age - North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity Symposium - Oregon State University - October 2018
- Exploring physical activity participation barriers among Native American university freshmen - SHAPE America 2018 National Convention and Expo - Nashville, TN - March 2018
- Implications of university physical education policies on students' motivation-behavior - SHAPE America 2017 National Convention and Expo - Boston - March 2017
- The Effects of High-Intensity Physical Activity on Preadolescents' Reading Achievement - SHAPE America National Convention & Expo - Nashville, TN - March 2018
- Using instructional alignment in physical education to promote moderate-to-vigorous physical activity - The Annual Oklahoma Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance convention - Edmond, OK - October 2016
Courses Taught:
- PERSONAL FITNESS & WELLNESS - H ED 3313 - Summer 2019
- STAT ANALYSIS OF MOTOR ACT - P ED 5443 - Fall 2018