Vanessa Anton

Dr Vanessa Anton
- Dean of College
Dean of Education Admin
Office Location
- Tahlequah
Bagley Hall 138
(918) 444-3701
Dr. Vanessa Anton is the Dean of the College of Education. She has been with the university since 1997, and has served in a variety of roles, including professor of Health & Kinesiology, Assistant Dean and Associate Dean.Education:
- PhD, Kinesiology, University of Arkansas, Summa cum laude, 2001
- MS, College Teaching, Northeastern State University, Summa cum laude, 1997
- OtherEndorsement , Health & Physical Education, Norteastern State University, 1995
- BS, Business Education, Northeastern State University, Summa cum laude, 1994
-Health Education
-Physical Education
-Physical Education
Intellectual Content:
- "The Never-Ending Circle of Life: Native American Hoop Dance From Origin to Present Day (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Integration, Published, August, 2009
- A Comparison of Physical Eduation in Oklahoma to National Data: Shape of the Nation Report (2006) (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Published, 2006
- Body Mass Index of 4th Grade Elementary Physical Eduation Students in Oklahoma (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Published,
- G-Ball First Touch Golf for Administrators (Instructor's Manual), Application, Accepted,
- G-Ball First Touch Golf for Coaches (Instructor's Manual), Application, Accepted,
- G-ball First Touch Golf for Parents (Instructor's Manual), Application, Accepted,
- Professional Dispositions Inventory (PDI): An Assessment for Monitoring Dispositions of Teacher Candidates (Journal Article, Professional Journal), Integration, Not Accepted,
- Professional Dispositions Inventory (PDI): An Assessment for Monitoring Dispositions of Teacher Candidates (Journal Article, Academic Journal), Integration, Not Accepted,
- SNAG Elementary School Golf Program Manual (Instructor's Manual), Application, Accepted,
- 'Grow Your Own Teachers: A university's unique partnership with multiple local school districts. - AACTE Annual Meeting/Conference - Atlanta, GA - February 2020
- "Hoop it Up" Through Native American Hoop Dancing - American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance National Convention - San Diego, California - March 2011
- A Comparison of OSAT Scores of Traditionally and Alternative Certified Physical EducationTeachers in Oklahoma - Oklahoma Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Convention - Norman, OK - October 2007
- Assessing Dispositions of Teacher Candidates: An Ongoing Debate - American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance National Convention - Baltimore, Maryland - April 2007
- Assessing Student Dispositions in PETE Programs - Missouri Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Convention - Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri - 2007
- Celebration of Movement - Celebration of Teaching - NSU campus - February 2009
- Celebration of Movement - Celebration of Teaching - Tahlequah, OK, NSU - February 2010
- Depression Among College Freshman - Oklahoma Research Day - NSU/Broken Arrow, OK - November 2009
- Depression Among Freshman Students at a Regional University - Southern District/American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance Convention - Orlando, Florida - February 2012
- Differences by Sport in Trash Talking - Southern District/AAHPERD Convention - Lexington, Kentucky - February 2014
Courses Taught:
- Secondary Methods in PE - P ED 4612 - Spring 2012
- Physical Exams and Measurements - P ED 4222 - Spring 2012
- Personal Health - P ED 1113 - Spring 2012
- Curriculum Development in HPE - P ED 4452 - Fall 2011