Gather Here. Go Far

With locations in Tahlequah, Muskogee and Broken Arrow, NSU is Oklahoma’s immersive learning institution. Choose from in-person, blended or online learning options.


NSU is committed to assisting students in applying and earning scholarships. Whether you are an incoming freshman or a continuing/returning student, NSU has a wide variety of scholarship options for students to choose from.

Clubs and Organizations

From networking to leadership opportunities, NSU’s over 80 clubs and organizations allow our students to build lasting relationships while getting the full college experience.


In 1924, NSU hosted its first-ever homecoming. One hundred years later, NSU and the Alumni Association invite you to return to NSU for the centennial celebration - Forever Green.

Graduate College

Whether transitioning to graduate school or returning to higher education, NSU’s graduate college is your next step. Choose from over 25 master's degrees and several certificate programs.

Student Consumer Information: Academic Programs


NSU's academic calendar, colleges and departments, courses, and semester course schedules may be found at the following websites.

Specific information about instructional facilities and laboratory space can be obtained through the department/school offering the course or program.

Faculty and other instructional personnel are profiled in their department web sites.

Information on NSU's policies, procedures and resources related to transfer credit and articulation agreements with other higher education institutions may be found at:

Transfer Credit

Articulation Agreements

Accreditation and Approval

Accreditation is a comprehensive review by a private, nongovernmental organization specifically created to review higher education institutions and programs for quality. Northeastern State University is accredited by:

Higher Learning Commission
230 North LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, IL 60604-1411
Fax: 312-263-7462

More about NSU’s Institutional Accreditation can be found on NSU’s HLC

Specialized accreditation refers to an evaluation by a specialized accrediting body often associated with a national professional organization or with a specific discipline. NSU's programs are accredited by several specialized accreditors. These are listed in the NSU Catalog and Accreditation Website.

Program approval refers to authorization to offer a specific program if it meets the state's standards. All programs offered by the University are approved by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (655 Research Parkway, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK 73104, 405-225-9100) and by the Board of Regents of the Regional University System of Oklahoma (3555 N.W. 58th Street, Suite 320, Oklahoma City, OK 73112, 405-942-8817)

Title II of the Higher Education Act requires annual reports on the quality of teacher preparation. Schools of education report to states the pass rates of their graduates on state certification assessments and other program data in April. States in turn report to the U.S. Department of Education information on certification and licensure requirements, pass rates on state assessments disaggregated and ranked by institution, and other information. NSU's College of Education accreditation report.

Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation oversees accreditation and program approval for state teacher education programs. Information about state Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) is available on the OCTP website.

The Copyright Infringement and Acceptable Computer and Network Use policies as stated are intended to ensure that users of University information resources shall:

  • respect software copyrights and licenses,
  • respect the integrity of computer-based information resources,
  • refrain from seeking to gain unauthorized access,
  • respect the privacy of other computer users.

Northeastern State University's appointed Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) compliance officer is Richard Reif, Chief Information Officer.

View University Policies.